Beloved sister, does your heart ache for more love and compassion in this world. Do you feel alive when you see ancient wisdom connected to the mystery schools and priestess lineages of our history. Do you feel the call of the goddess deep within your blood and bones? Do you feel an inner stirring or memories of your own lives as a priestess or do you desire to become more connected to your own divinity and purpose.
Are you ready to be a leader of light during these times of great change. This path is the path of inner alchemy, allowing you to step into your true sovereign self by integrating your own inner feminine and masculine energies.
By doing so you become a channel for grace, a conduit of love and a leader of light at this time.
The times of us staying small and hiding our divinity are fading away with history. Are you committed to working on your shadows to holding yourself with such love and compassion above all else. To stepping into your authenticity by using your voice as a channel for the divine. To love beyond measure, allowing others to step into their own heart and truth.
This journey is for those ready, ready to be bold and courageous in this world, ready to create inner union and balance to then display this example of love out in the world. To work with the archetypal energies and cyclical nature of our planet and your own divine blueprint. And to live from a place of complete truth, integrity honouring ourselves and Mother Gaia with complete reverence and love.
A priestess is a woman who helps others connect to the divine both around them and within them, so they can heal and actualise their own path to divine union and enlightenment. She is a sacred spiritual leader who is devoted to holding space and creating conditions for other women to see their own divinity and open up to their souls spiritual journey.
She is devoted to her own souls evolution and path and spends much time connecting with her higher self and the divine. She understands the potency of her sexual power and uses it as a positive force in the world.
Her journey to becoming a priestess historically would have consisted of years of training and initiations. And many years of being in service to the people of her community.
The priestess holds deep wisdom in her bones of the true sacred feminine teachings and the intuitive womb wisdom from the lineage of women that came before her. She remembers the times of sacred sexuality and the women that danced through the temples and celebrated the goddess. She knows the ancient teachings and rituals of the temples and has kept the work alive within those communities of women.
You want to work with your inner feminine and masculine energies to bring balance to all you do
You are craving a deeper understanding of your souls essence
You feel called to be in service but need direction on where your love is best placed
You want to deepen your spiritual connection and be more aligned to your souls purpose
You are ready to remember your gifts and step into your power as a warrior of the heart
You crave inner balance to strengthen your connection to the divine
You desire inner union personally and collectively and want to work with the cycles of earth and the cosmic energies
You are ready to reclaim both the feminine and masculine energies within
You want more magic and mystery in your life
You feel deeply connected to the cycles and seasons of earth
You have an interest in the archetype of the priestess, medicine woman, seer and oracle you are ready to claim your gifts in this life
You are ready to become an alchemist of your destiny and a co-creator of your own life
You wish to walk towards your dharma with purpose and conviction
You are ready to step into your power and drop the stories and conditioning thats held you back
You appreciate the cycles of death and rebirth and know that every experience is an oppurtunity to grow

Each of the temples holds sacred wisdom and teachings from the mystery schools that are there for you to explore and overlay your own experience. There are a number of archetypal energies that have been used to allow you to firstly connect with some of the gods/goddesses of our history but to also work with them experientially. You will journey through a temple each month. You can work through these at your own pace during the month but will need to have completed each of the temples by the end of each month. Each temple has a mix of audios, workbooks, guided meditations and embodied practices.
At the end of each month we will gather in circle to find out what’s been arising and there is an oppurtunity to ask any questions that are coming through. Each temple will also have an individual energetic attunement and activation The temple reflection circles will be recorded for any sisters that can’t attend. However it is such a beautiful part of the journey to be able to share your wisdom with others so where possible attendance is desired.
Dates for each of the circles will be provided at the beginning of the course so you can add these into your diary. And zoom links will also be provided.
All material will be accessed via the teachable link you were given at the beginning of the course.
During the first circle we will be opening sacred space and creating an intention for our journey and the final circle will be a closing ceremony.
As well as the online programme there is an option to add priestess mentorship into your package. This would include guidance on your own unique soul blueprint, priestess gifts and personal integration and healing during the course, allowing you to uncover and learn to embody your own priestess codes.
This package includes 1 X 75 minute Priestess blueprint reading and 3 x 75 minute coaching sessions online via zoom.
If you have chosen a package where mentoring is included you will be contacted separately to organise your 1-2-1 sessions.
During the 9 months you will have access to a facebook group where you and the other goddesses are able to share and support one another. Any updates will also be posted on the group.
During the 9 months there will be 9 energy activations to alchemise the learning from each of the 9 months and will take place on the below energetic portals. The dates for these will be as follows:-
3/3 – Divine Feminine Activation – The mysteries, new beginnings & balance, divine balance and order – Mother Mary
4/4 – Order, sustainability and foundations, wisdom wise council and wealth, building and grounded, divine guidance
5/5 – Creative, lightheaded, joyful, artist, dancer, poet, finer things in life, Venus, beauty and love
6/6 – Divine Masculine Activation – Divine polarity, presence and absence of light, path of the spiritual seeker, discovery and personal power
7/7 – Removing obstacles, divine grace, opening to planetary changes and bigger contributions
8/8 – Lionsgate - Beg, middle and end, possibility, potential and wonder, daring, ambitious, no limits
9/9 – Divine Union Activation, completion, enlightenment, spiritual rewards, service, true mastery
10/10 – Master energies – Fem/Masc – Circle of creation – Mary Magdalene & Yeshua
11/11 – Divine intervention & protection – angel number, synchronicity, trust, surrender and self-belief - Isis & Osiris
The intention for this journey is for you to go on a voyage of self-discovery, through the videos and workbooks you will be exploring the deeper layers of your inner feminine and masculine energies. By using ancient teachings and wisdom of the god/goddess and mystery schools you embark on the path of middle alchemy, where the 2 energies within us merge and take us into divine union and balance.
Circle dates have been carefully selected to align with the cosmic portals of 2024 and will include energy activations and temple reflections. Circles will be 2 hours long and carried out online via zoom. All circles will be recorded and added to the online learning portal which can be accessed if any sisters miss the sessions.
Opening Ceremony/Temple activation 1 – Sunday 3/3 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 2 – Thursday 4/4 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 3 – Sunday 5/5 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 4 – Thursday 6/6 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 5 – Sunday 7/7 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 6 – Thursday 8/8 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 7 – Monday 9/9 2024
Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 8 - Thursday 10/10 2024
Closing Ceremony/Temple Reflections/Temple Activation 9 – Monday 11/11 2024

Welcome here dear friends, I'm Sarah from School of Forgotten Wisdom. I am so overjoyed you have decided to take your next step towards your soul purpose and gifts.
I am here to be your guide, to hold up a gentle mirror of compassion, to help you find the deeper meaning and purpose of your life. Allowing you to step into your truth and live in alignment with your higher self.
I believe we are all fundamentally trying to find our way home. Searching for the higher perspective and unbreakable connection and love to ourselves. And yet it can feel so challenging to get there, we often become complacent and feel lost, searching for answers outside ourselves, which result in us feeling disempowered and unaligned to our truth.
The home we seek is within us, having an unbreakable and unwavering love for ourselves and the universe. Living in trust and knowing that everything that's happening is happening for us, not to us.
Becoming an active participant on our own destiny and working with our souls evolution allows us to live the life of our dreams.
Once you embark on this journey, you will feel a connection to yourself like no other.
If you are ready, I am wating.
EARLY BIRD COST – Before 31st Jan 2025
9 X MONTHLY PAYMENTS = £164 (payments will start from the 1/3)
9 X MONTHLY PAYMENT WITH MENTORSHIP = £264 (payments will start from the 1/3)